Morning Baths and Watsons Green Tea Shower Gel

The hallway was subtly lit, diffused daylight breaking through the curtained windows and sliding doors. The door to the left, with its frosted stained glass window, opens then closes. The lock’s tumblers snick in place.

A pull and a flick of the wrist, pinpricks of lukewarm water, heated by yesterday’s sun, pelt hair, skin. Trickles as a dollop of pink cream shampoo is pumped, diluted and massaged unto wet crown.

A soaked hand again reaches out to the myriad bottles on the window sill. Picks a large one with green label. Green gel is drizzled on moist bath lily the color of honeydew melon flesh. Squished until a million bubbles form. Drawn across and all over.

Enveloped by an invigorating scent both green and citrus fragrance fans would approve. Memory of sinking teeth into something tart and pulpy surfaces, refuses to coalesces into anything in particular. The scent won’t last longer than an hour after water chases suds down the drain though.

Swathed by a light oily film more ephemeral than the scent. Cream conditioner finds itself on tips, rinsed later. Then dried by towel as fluffy as this piece.

Finally, refreshed, ready for the day.

The door with the frosted stained glass window closes, warm air fills the room and fogs up the mirror over the sink.

I got two bottles of Watsons Green Tea Scented Shower Gel upon winning in Watson’s Switch and Save FB Contest, also mentioned in the latter part of this previous post. I picked them from a list of products Watsons has provided after reading about it in Lady E of Bits and Treats’ post. Also, I thought it would go well with the Asian Secrets Lulur Indonesian Whitening Body Scrub with Green Tea and Vitamin E I’ve been using weekly, scent-wise. Plus it’s green (my fave color). It is available at all Watsons stores for P249.75 BOGO.

2 thoughts on “Morning Baths and Watsons Green Tea Shower Gel

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